I am loving my new job as the librarian. One reason is because we get to celebrate the seasons. After working my pages to exhaustion for weeks, we have slowed down and now we are decorating for Halloween. But it is not only my pages that are helping. Any student who wants to contribute is making something for the library. Here are a few things happening already.
Some other wonderful things that are happening. All the bookshelves are moved and the books are re-shelved. I had a dry erase board installed on the wall next to all the tables. Now a whole class can sit together and the teacher could use a board if needed. My next thing is to get a projector attached to the board. Then I will attach the Apple TV and teachers will be able to connect their MacBook Airs to my projector. The library is beginning to look more cohesive to me. I am also excited because the word is spreading that the library is a quiet place to come before school to read, do homework, study, use a computer, or just relax quietly. I had almost 30 kids this morning and it was ultra quiet. Love it!!

Call me a nerd but one of the coolest things that happened today came from one of my new Pages. I have assigned about 25 shelves to each Library Page for them to read/block each week. But I wanted an easy way for them to remember which shelves they had to take care of. My Page, Dianna, came up with the idea of color coding the shelves. The Pages will be responsible for reading/blocking their color coded shelves.
If you look closely at the right edge of the shelf , in the picture, you will see a yellow or purple dot. Each shelf has its own dot and the Pages know they are to take of the shelves with their color.
If you look closely at the right edge of the shelf , in the picture, you will see a yellow or purple dot. Each shelf has its own dot and the Pages know they are to take of the shelves with their color.